oxford africa business forum

Oxford Business Forum Africa 2019

9 March 2019 

Istanbul Africa Trade Company at the Forum

Burak Unal, Director of African Markets, participated in the Oxford Business Forum Africa on 8-9 March 2019 at the University of Oxford. The Gala dinner took place at the Balliol College, University of Oxford. The conferences and networking events were at Said Business School, University of Oxford.

Single Market, Global Outcomes

The Oxford Business Forum Africa brings together distinguished leaders from top companies, innovative start-ups, government, and civil society from across Africa.

In March 2018, 44 African countries signed the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). The U.N. Economic Commission on Africa suggests that intra-African trade is likely to increase by 52.3% and may double with further removal of non-tariff barriers. This year’s forum focused on the impact of the AfCFTA regarding integrated trade and movement of people across Africa. Can we develop the infrastructure and harness local talent to compete for global value chains? Does the AfCFTA enhance appetite for African investment?

The Forum highlighted the potential effects the AfCFTA may have on the development and ease of doing business across Africa. When examined independently, many African countries may not be economically viable and attractive to global market players. However, under the single market framework of the AfCFTA the continent’s prospect for global production, value chain management and consumption capacity rises.

Delegates and Speakers from the Public and Private Sector in Africa

The Forum featured keynote addresses, focused panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Convening around 350 delegates and a number of thought leaders as speakers, the Forum offered unrivalled insight into business on the continent from the boldest innovators and decision makers in Africa.

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